A Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) is a “systematic effort to address issues identified by [an] assessment and community health improvement process.”1 Logan county’s Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) is based on data gathered from Logan County communities through the community health assessment and extensive input from over 90 community leaders and residents. The Community Health Assessment (CHA) created a picture of the needs of Logan County, identified community and data strengths and challenges, and provided information for next steps to improve the quality of life and health in Logan County. Purpose of the CHIP The purpose of the Logan County Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) is to guide the efforts participating organizations will engage over the next several years to improve the quality of life and health of Logan County residents. The focus of this CHIP is to develop a roadmap to improve a wide range of quality of life issues for the residents of Logan County that is not restricted to addressing only disease conditions. The CHIP process is typically led by the health department or hospital and involves many other organizations as well as residents. Through the process the major health needs of a community are documented and identified, and a set of priorities are agreed on by all the participants. For each of the priorities, specific strategies that are designed to address the priorities in order to improve the community’s health and well-being. This community health improvement plan was developed by a team that consisted of several community health and social service organizations that serve Logan County residents. The team included representatives from Mary Rutan Hospital, Logan County Health District, United Way, Community Health and Wellness Partners of Logan County, and Mental Health Drug & Alcohol Services Board for Logan and Champaign Counties. Extensive input was obtained in the development of the plan from over 90 community leaders and residents. Click to download and read the full 2019-21 Logan County CHIP. Come celebrate with us! FREE family-friendly fun for everyone in our communities on September 16 and October 7!
The film "Suicide The Ripple Effect" chronicles the story of Kevin Hines, who at age 29 attempted to take his life by jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge. Since then, Kevin has been on a mission to use his story to help others stay alive and find recovery.
Tickets are $10 at the door of the Little Art Theatre in Yellow Springs on Sunday, June 3rd at 1:00 p.m. A Q&A and discussion will follow the film. This is a fundraiser for NAMI of Clark, Greene & Madison Counties. For more information, contact [email protected]. Urbana Hands of Hope is hosting a family-friendly New Year's Eve Party on December 31st at The Urbana Recovery Zone (827 Scioto Street). Snacks and drinks provided. The party starts at 7pm. Bring the whole family and let's ring in the New Year together!
February 2022