Recovery Zone
Recovery Zone is place where people can find peer support as they work towards recovery from mental illness and addiction. In a formal sense, a peer supporter is a person who receives training to help members set recovery goals, link members to services needed, and support our members' recovery journeys. Click here for a current list of Recovery Zone Meetings. |
NAMI - National Alliance on Mental Illness of Logan & Champaign Counties
NAMI Saves Lives -- Across the country, thousands of trained NAMI volunteers bring peer-led programs to a wide variety of community settings, from churches to schools to NAMI Affiliates. With the unique understanding of people with lived experience, these programs and support groups provide outstanding free education, skills training, and support |
New Directions of TCN and Soteria House is a family-centered violence intervention program for domestic violence and sexual assault victims in Logan and Champaign counties. On February 29th, 2016
we opened the first domestic violence shelter in Logan county to victims and their families. New Directions of TCN named the new shelter Soteria, which is Greek for “spirit of safety and deliverance from harm". |
What is Legal Advocacy?
The Legal Advocate provides families information and emotional support about their legal options to protect themselves from domestic violence or sexual assault. Victims learn about court proceedings, how to complete protection orders, how to obtain an attorney, and information on victim’s rights, victim crime compensation, and the VINE program. The legal advocate will accompany the victim to court and provide transportation if needed. These services are free. |