With the assistance of the Ohio National Guard, they served hundreds of families during their drive-thru Mobile Pantry distributions. They are planning to conduct weekly drive-thru distributions moving forward. The next one is scheduled for Monday March 30 from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. at the Bellefontaine Kroger parking lot. Check this page for updates as they are scheduled. OUR DAILY BREAD (223 Oakland Square, Bellefontaine) Providing a carry out sack lunch available between 10:00 and 4:30 p.m. (Monday through Friday). Carry out hot meals available between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. Seeking donations of individual servings of vegetables, breakfast items, and juice boxes. Food pantry remains open. A letter of referral from a social service provider is necessary to access. Contact 937-592-9914 for more information. LIFECARE ALLIANCE - Meals-on-Wheels Continues to deliver critical meals daily to more than 160 homebound seniors and shut-ins in Logan County. Senior citizens needing home-delivered meals can contact (614) 278-3130 to sign up. There is a critical need for more volunteers to assist in the routes. They have established rapid response volunteer training to help on-board new volunteers quickly and seamlessly. Volunteers can call Ben Yeater at (614) 570-1053 for immediate training to start driving routes. FOOD PANTRIES Nine food pantries throughout Logan County continue to operate. Click here for a directory with updated locations and hours. SCHOOL LUNCHES All of our local school districts are providing meals for students. Contact your local school for details and updates on their distribution methods.
9/6/2021 09:03:35 pm
You’re that “Nothing” when people ask me what I’m thinking about.
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June 2020
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Mental Health, Drug & Alcohol Services Board of Logan & Champaign Counties
1521 N. Detroit St. (P.O. Box 765) West Liberty, Ohio 43357 937-465-1045 Fax: 937-465-3914 |